DEEN - The Common Communication Ground for Design and Simulation

CAE and CAD engineers working closer is essential to identify and address design challenges in products.

CAE and CAD engineers working closer is essential to identify and address design challenges in products.

Today, the increasing mutual dependency of Design and Simulation for new products urges the need for closer collaboration between Design and Simulation, commonly known and performed as independent functions.

CAE and CAD engineers working closer is essential to identify and address design challenges in products. However, the lack of common communication means, the difference in level of expertise among the users, and the differing software tools employed, create obstacles in integrating Design and Simulation and in establishing effective ways of cross-function and department collaboration.

Responding to the challenge, BETA CAE Systems brings forth DEEN,a desktop application for reviewing databaseswith CAE results andforcomparing alternative CAD models. DEEN aims tobring engineers of Design and Simulation closer and accelerate product design-simulate-adapt cycles.

Redefine information exchange between Design and Simulation

DEEN creates a window through which CAD engineers can gaze through the CAE world in an effortless way. It offers, in a friendly and intuitive environment, a common platform for both Design and Simulation engineers to review designs and simulation results. It includes all the necessary tools to facilitate the exchange of feedback without hustling with complicated and puzzling interfaces and without having to reside to lesser solutions such as, presentations and simple text documents.

Accelerate product design-simulate-adapt cycles

DEEN comes to align, streamline, and accelerate both concurrent and asynchronous exchange of feedback between Design and Simulation. This closer collaboration can fast-track iterations of product design-simulate-adapt cycles and eventually accelerate the evolution of new ideas and products.

Employ all the right tools for concurrent and asynchronous collaboration

With DEEN, engineers will work directly on the 3D model marking areas on it, adding comments, creating to-do lists, and comparing different design alternatives. It brings a way for CAD and CAE engineers to participate in common sessions, specially designed to work also with minimum network bandwidth conditions, each with their own tool examining and discussing live on a design. Integrating the communication capabilities of NEERE, engineers will join with their colleagues their models’ high rendering virtual reality world and view their designs perform under simulated conditions.

DEEN assists in overcoming the known difficulties in the efficient collaboration between design and simulation, and its deployment turns this collaboration from a challenge to a valuable cornerstone in product design processes.

BETA CAE Systems International AG
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CH-6039 Root D4

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